With the Idrisid kingdom being founded mostly by Berber tribesmen on the verge of being Arabised, a lot can be inferred on how the Idrisid armies are meant to function, and that usually involves the use of cheap, fast-training units to swarm enemy armies and to knock them out by sheer force of numbers. This is especially notable given the presence of many light assault units, both mounted and on foot, dominated in the main by Berber units - Berber Auxiliae, Berber Raiders and Berber Tribesmen. In addition, the Idrisids are also capable of raising two different javelin cavalry units - Bedouin Horse Retinue, and Berber Auxiliae, which provide the Idrisid hosts some semblance of anti-cavalry protection, if used in tandem with the Idrisids' weak but cheap and fast-training Berber infantry. On water maps with lots of Timber to spare, the Idrisids can be a force to reckon with, being able to spawn lots of Dhow vessels which are ideal for raiding lightly armoured or poorly defended targets - that is, hounding an enemy's coastline and attacking any villagers attempting to build Dockyards in the water.
Unfortunately, this is as far as the Idrisids as a military power may reach - although they do have access to shock cavalry - particularly in the form of the legacy Rashidun-styled Fursan, the Idrisids are hampered by the nature of their society, being Arab colonists in a land full of African nomads. Unlike most other nations, they don't have access to the Peasants' Commune, nor can they erect a Nobles' Court or a Warrior Hall, thus a lot of powerful heavy cavalry and infantry unit types that are otherwise taken for granted by more developed nations such as the Abbasids or Byzantines are often simply not available to the Idrisids (unless they seize control of the White Tower from Normandie, which will then allow them to begin training more powerful Saracen horse units). Equally, their near-lack of development and demographic size, reflected in the loss of these buildings, also translates to loss of access to Wonders as well - only the Palace Complex and the Masjidil Haram are available for construction, thus limiting the Idrisids' ability to win a Wonder victory without diplomacy. As a result, the Idrisids can succeed unilaterally only on small to medium-sized maps with substantial amounts of water; otherwise, they are very vulnerable and easy prey on larger maps against more developed factions who have greater numbers of units to choose from and can leverage the resources on those maps to train units more powerful than whatever the Idrisids can raise.
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