Economic reliance on having a pool of infantry to produce resources results in a lack of flexibility
With a preponderence set towards technology, research and resource-gathering, the United States is a faction that requires strong strategic flair to us
The Kingship of Tara, was both figuratively and quite literally the seat of the high King of Ireland ruling from the Kingdom of Aileach. The current High King and his Lordship's royal family, have under their wing a conglomeration of kingdoms in Ireland that bent the knee to the Uí-Neill Dynasty which High Kings' claimed for themselves for many a years yet they have held it for decades .. The strongest of these kingdoms being Connacht. I have written out historic information going in depth about Ireland in historic discussion.
Ubba Ragnarson
Kingship of Tara (Kingdom of Aileach) (Irish culture with heavy Christian influence) Leaders: (High Kings) Máel Sechnaill, , Donnchadh mac Flainn, King Donnchad Midi, Muirchertach mac Néill, Áed mac Néill (Áed mac Néill was High King when the Great Heathen Army invaded.) Best Units- Marcshulaidh -Heavy Lancer Cavalry, Hobiguir -Light Cavalry, armed with spear and shield, some weilding javelins instead), Holk - Ship built for defense; continuously supplied by Ulaidh, the dynasty's closest ally. , Galloglach - These men named for their heavy armour are mercenaries commonly put to use by the High King. They come as a company hired to defend the north. They know battle and have fought with Vikings, and against Vikings. they wield longsword /sword and shield and have high armour rating. Religion/Culture: Celtic-Christian / Gaelic Strength: Easily expand their territories (construction bonuses etc). Field powerful client states under the High King with an amazing defensive capability. Field powerful heavy units. Weakness: Lack of capable light units, save their decent archery force. countering ambushes is not easy for the player with the Kingship's more "royal" approach to warfare. Allies: Kingdom of Connacht Vassal/Client States:
May 20, 2022
Not even javelin cavalry? so the Warbirth Horseman unit has to be employed in place?
Not even javelin cavalry? so the Warbirth Horseman unit has to be employed in place?
Ubba Ragnarson
Javelin cavalry can be included. I didn't know you could do that, I was originally basing things off the "base" games abilities.
We have
Actually it's somerthinbg I wanted to ask.
We have the Saxon and Briton pools from Project 666, the Scottish and Welsh systems from Chronicles. ARe they of any use for these "minor factions"?
May 21, 2022
Ubba Ragnarson
Yeah I think so. The wider variety and diversity of factions the better.
Ubba Ragnarson
The javelineer horsemen can be employed for munster
any other special cavalry irish wise or briton in general can be employed here - (along with any other various factions beside ireland if you want - or the two irish kingdoms' vassals) The Tara confederation may be several different irish kingdoms under the northeast dynasty's royal seat but there was more than simply Munster fighting for their own independence... The Kingship of Tara will have its own Vassal system , most despising the "High King" and taken by force. This results in weaker units than those of Munster's who proudly fight against the High King, and his "one god".
We have the Saxon and Briton pools from Project 666, the Scottish and Welsh systems from Chronicles. ARe they of any use for these "minor factions"?
Ubba Ragnarson
Although they might seem as "minor" , the Irish held off the Danes, and other Vikings with ferocity. With the opposing Munster fielding the Druids and the special Celt-Irland religion built (hopefully) around this- granting the nations' units powers (or so they felt, would prefer a speed bonus etc.).
The Saxon/Briton pools , I can see some pulled from for the Irish factions, but they are unique in most ways, friend. The Irish are no doubt the most unique Celts especially given their political position and two different cultures in and of itself.
Kingship of Tara is Celtic-Christian with the royal dynasty completely following Christ toward the mid-late game and late game abolishment of celt religious temples would be nice to see for realism
Ubba Ragnarson
Kingdom of Aileach (Kingship of Tara): - See below for more on Aileach and the UI Neill dynasty) The Kingship of Tara field several kingdoms as client states or vassals, only Frankia being in competition of the High Kings' amount of client states. (Hopefully all with some unique qualities; some lending to Tara's military, others to their economy.) - all owing allegiance to the High King. The Kingdom of Connacht, Tara's strongest, largest client state, in power, still embraces their Celtic roots incorporating Christ into their religion per missionaries sent by the High King. Whilst the far northern kingdoms have come near-fully under Christ over time, the Kingdom of Connacht outright refuses a monotheistic religion. A...possible problem arises, then, when the Kingdom of Connacht is far greater and larger than the seat of the the Kingship itself, and Connacht wield power greater than any other Northern faction. The High King relies on Connacht for protection, in many ways given Connacht's defensive position for Aileach.Kingdom of Ulaidh A capable kingdom, far northeastern Ireland, which serves as a crucial ally and defensive buffer-state to Uí Néill on their border. They are known to* fend off naval raids from Briton, Scot, or Viking for the High KIng*. They supply Tara with their naval units . for defense and special towers of high HP levels.
November 29, 2022
Ubba Ragnarson
The Kingdom of Aileach: Uí Néill Dynasty- The seat of the Kingship of Tara and the Uí Néill Dynasty holding the crown. - The Kingdom of Aileach is that of which the Uí Néill Dynasty ruled over directly, and is a powerful well-defended kingdom indeed. Here lay the Kingship of Tara. A prominent territory, well-guarded and surrounded by two additional powerful allies the dynasty feels secure against the "sons of Imar" and any else who may stand in the way of the Dynasty and the Kingdom of Aileach's dominion over the Crownship of Tara.