Building chains


Fallen Giants takes place in a post-WW1 world, and the resource available to exploit very much reflect this - oil is now a resource that can be harvested from Oil Wells (or Oil Derricks).

In lieu of Influence (as opposed to more antique settings explored by New World Empires) Knowledge is now the main resource you need to accumulate in order to research new technologies and upgrades, although unlike previous chapters, it is not really required in creating units, aside from command units (Officers) and agents (Spies, Terrorists).

Oil Well

Logging Camp




Oil Derrick

  • The [Inca] can amass Wealth from mining operations, wile the [Egyptians] generate Wealth from Farms. Note that the latter can also build two extra Farms per Settlement as opposed to other factions.
  • The [Iroquois] gather Food from Logging Camps.
  • [French] Logging Camps can accommodate 2 more Workers compared to other factions.


No RTS game or mod is complete without an ability to create units to do your bidding, and Fallen Giants is no different. 

Production structures are primarily involved with this task. Although a few of them can function like enhancements and some also host valuable upgrades and abilities, their most valuable function is still the conversion of resources gathered from economic structures into peasants, warriors, and other assistants.

TownCityMajor CityMarketDrill SquareArmouryArsenalAirstrip
HovelRest HouseWarrior Hall

Airship Hangar


Humans have always felt the need to build defensive structures, stemming from the fundamental human desire for safety and security in a world that can often be dangerous or unpredictable  - and the world of Fallen Giants, set on earth in the turbulent years spanning 1919-1922 CE would be no different. 

Point defence structures help establish and maintain control over specific territories, but also serve as visible symbols of power and a bulwark against potential aggressors. Thus for you, there are a plethora of different point defence structures that can be built to suit your different needs.

  • For quick and dirty solutions, choose a Blockhouse, Krepost or Sangar.
  • For defence against aerial attacks, build an Anti-Aircraft Array.
  • For controlling vast swathes of territory to achieve map control build a Fortress or its improved equivalent, a Citadel.
  • For a middling budget that still provides shelter for your units, build a Stockade.
  • Finally, use Observation Posts at strategic points to expand LOS.

Observation PostKrepostAA ArrayKrepost

(Russia, Mongols, USSR & Ukrainians only)(Afghanistan, British Empire, Tibet & Persia only)

Note that none of these buildings are capable of spotting hidden units: you must have Scouts, Biplanes, Airships, a National Assembly or a Decryption Station Wonder to do this.

Unlike Alexander or Swords of the Prophets, the point defence system used in Fallen Giants is in fact a variation of that used in The Southeastern Dragon, as well as Rise of the Moderns. However there the similarities end:

  • In Fallen Giants, the Citadel has a weak anti-aircraft attack inferior to that of an AA Array (except when fighting Airships).
  • Cannon Towers, Bastions and Castles are absent in this chapter.
  • Anti-Aircraft Arrays can be built only in large settlements (viz, Cities not Towns).

We expect that another mod - The Raj of Steam and Steel - to use this system of fortifications.


Infrastructure is the backbone of modern society, providing the essential services and systems that enable us to live productive and fulfilling lives.

To this end, Enhancements are special buildings that primarilly handle providing buffs and conducting research, such as at the Town Centre which can enhance your faction further. Only one instance of each building may be erected per city.

Prop. Ctr
National AssemblyMarketGranarySawmillFoundryRefineryTown Centre

Note the following rules in operation for this mod:

  • Like the AA Array, Industrial Enhancements (Granaries, Sawmills, Foundries, Refineries) require a large settlement (viz, a City - created when a Town has five or more different buildings built within its Economic Radius).
  • Unlike vanilla Rise of Nations, a Refinery requires Metal and Knowledge as a base cost, and Wealth as its ramp.

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